Student Financial Support & Scholarships

SOTA Student Financial Support (SOTA-SFS) Schemes
Bursary Packages

Tiered school and miscellaneous fee subsidies ranging from 33% to 100%, and supplementary financial assistance benefits funded by The Ngee Ann Kongsi and SOTA Student Assistance Fund (SAF) are provided to SOTA students who meet the criteria.

The table below provides information and criteria for the bursary packages. Financial assistance benefits are funded by The Ngee Ann Kongsi and SOTA Student Assistance Fund (SAF).

Bursary Package (Revised with effect from 1 January 2023)
For Singapore Citizens only

Bursary Package

Monthly Gross Household Income (GHI)*

Monthly Per-Capita Income (PCI)**



< or = $3,000

< or = $750

  • Students will receive 100% subsidy for SOTA school and miscellaneous fees
  • Annual book allowance of $250^ for Year 1 to 4; $600^ for Year 5 and 6
  • Annual arts allowance of $100 for Year 1 to 6
  • Two sets of school attire, comprising school uniform and PE attire
  • Transport allowance of $17 per month
  • Monthly meal allowance of $7 per school day
  • 100% subsidy of International Baccalaureate (IB) examination fees
  • UPLIFT scholarship of $800# per year


$3,001 - $4,400

$751 - $1,100

  • Students will receive a subsidy for SOTA school and miscellaneous fees, and pay equivalent to GGAS (Government and Government-aided schools) fees
  • Annual book allowance of $250^ for Year 1 to 4; $500^ for Years 5 and 6
  • Annual arts allowance of $50 for Year 1 to 6
  • One set of school attire, comprising school uniform and PE attire
  • Transport allowance of $12 per month


$4,401 - $7,500

$1,101 - $1,875

  • Students will receive a subsidy for SOTA school and miscellaneous fees, and pay equivalent to 1.5 times GGAS (Government and Government-aided schools) fees
  • Annual book allowance of $100^ for Year 1 to 4; $200^ for Year 5 and 6
  • Annual arts allowance of $50 for Year 1 to 6
  • One set of school attire, comprising school uniform and PE attire
  • Transport allowance of $12 per month


$7,501 - $10,000

$1,876 - $2,500

  • Students will receive 33% subsidy for SOTA school and miscellaneous fees
  • Annual book allowance of $100^ for Year 1 to 4; $200^ for Year 5 and 6
  • Annual arts allowance of $25 for Year 1 to 6
  • One set of school attire, comprising school uniform and PE attire
  • Transport allowance of $12 per month

* Gross Household Income will include all sources of income from all household members, including salaries, overtime, bonuses, allowances, commission, incentives and employee’s CPF contribution. Income from other sources (e.g. pension, rental income, dividend income etc.) must also be included when calculating a family’s GHI.
** Per Capita Income is computed based on the GHI divided by the number of household members.
^ Students who are on short term bursary packages will receive pro-rated book allowance.
# Subject to meeting UPLIFT scholarship criteria.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The above SOTA Student Financial Support (SOTA-SFS) Schemes are applicable exclusively to the bursary recipients and is not transferable.
  2. SOTA-SFS recipients cannot be recipients of any other full scholarships or bursaries administered by external organisations, except COMCARE, MOE scholarships, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) bursaries and The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund (STSPMF).
  3. Recipients of SOTA-SFS must inform SOTA if they are receiving bursaries awarded by external organisations.
  4. Students may receive only one form of bursary or scholarship for fees administered by SOTA. Should a student qualify for both, the student would be offered the bursary or scholarship with the higher dollar value.
  5. No bond is required from SOTA-SFS recipients.
  6. SOTA-SFS recipients must accept and comply with all SOTA policies, by-laws, rules and regulations. Policies, by-laws, rules and regulations may be revised, amended or supplemented by SOTA at the School's absolute discretion from time to time.
  7. Decisions by the SOTA Bursary Committee are final.

Application Procedure

  1. Parents who wish to apply for SOTA-SFS Schemes are to download and complete the application form in the Parent's Portal.
  2. All applications are to be submitted together with the relevant documents.
  3. Applications with incomplete information and/or not accompanied by supporting documents will not be processed.
  4. Processing of bursary application documents require at least 3 working weeks.
  5. SOTA will process your application promptly if you have provided the complete information, inclusive of complete required documents. If the application is approved, it will take effect on the first day of the following month.
  6. All bursaries will be valid until 31 December every year, unless otherwise stated. If you require further financial assistance beyond the period approved, please submit a new bursary application. Fresh applications will have to be submitted for each academic year.
  7. The School will inform students and parents on the outcome of their applications.
Student Assistance Fund (SAF)

The SAF, eligible for all students, regardless of nationality, provides financial assistance to needy students who are in need of financial assistance due to special/sudden circumstances, who face temporary financial difficulty or who require further financial assistance.

Students who wish to apply for the SAF may obtain the SAF Application Form from the school's Administration Office.

Temasek Foundation Study Award for Arts (TFSAA)

Funded by the David Marshall Endowment, this award aims to facilitate access to the arts-enhanced education offered at SOTA by providing additional financial support for needy students.

The TFSAA helps to alleviate the cost of an education in SOTA and comes with a monthly allowance of up to $300 for a fixed period of time during the academic year.

Only students who are Singapore citizens are eligible for the TFSAA.

Students need not apply for the TFSAA which is considered concurrently with the evaluation of bursary or scholarship awards offered by the School. Eligible students are awarded the TFSAA in addition to their bursary or scholarship.

TFSAA recipients are required to participate in at least one project benefiting the community during the academic year in which they are awarded the TFSAA.

Successful recipients will be notified by the School.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The TFSAA is applicable exclusively to the qualified recipients and is not transferable;
  2. No bond is required from TFSAA recipients;
  3. TFSAA recipients must accept and comply with all SOTA policies, by-laws, rules and regulations. Policies, by-laws, rules and regulations may be revised, amended or supplemented by SOTA at the School's absolute discretion from time to time;
  4. Decisions by the SOTA Bursary and Scholarship Committee are final.
Other Financial Support Schemes

by Self-Help Groups and other organisations.

Type of Funding



Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC)

The CDAC-SFCCA Bursary aims to help needy students to cope with schooling expenses. Click here for more information.

The Youth Empowerment and Aspiration Programme (YEAP) supports less privileged full-time post-secondary students, not only in their educational expenses through the YEAP Grant but also encourages them to pursue their passion, provides them with exposure to real work environment, and develops their life skills through YEAP Inspire. Click here for more information.

Chinese Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident students

Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA)

SINDA Bursary supports low-income and deserving families with education-related financial assistance. Click here for more information.

Indian Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident students

The Eurasian Association, Singapore (EA)

EA Education Schemes render financial assistance to students from lower-income families. Click here for more information.

Eurasian Singapore Citizen students

The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund (STSPMF)

STSPMF provides pocket money to children from low-income families to help them through school. Click here for more information.

Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident students. By school's nomination only

SOTA Scholarships

Scholarships are available every year for SOTA students with outstanding achievements in the artistic, academic and affective domains. Students who meet the scholarship criteria will be shortlisted for the scholarship. Application is not required. All scholarships awarded are valid for one academic year only. 

Type of Scholarship
Scholarship Quantum/Benefits*

SOTA–Ngee Ann Kongsi Scholarship

  • 100% of school fees and miscellaneous fees
  • Annual allowance of $400 for Year 1 to 4 and $800 for Year 5 and 6

1 year

All students, regardless of nationality

Temasek Foundation Scholarship for Arts Education

  • 50%, 75% or 100% of school fees and miscellaneous fees, based on means testing of annual gross household income
  • Annual allowance of $400 for Year 1 to 4 and $800 for Year 5 and 6, regardless of the scholarship quantum

1 year

Students who are Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents

Temasek Foundation Scholarship for Young Artist

  • 50%, 75% or 100% of school fees and miscellaneous fees, based on means testing of annual gross household income
  • Annual allowance of $400 for Year 4 and $800 for Year 5 and 6, regardless of the scholarship quantum

1 year

Students in Year 4, 5 and 6, who are Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents

* capped at rate for Singapore Citizen students; tenable at SOTA only

Ministry of Education (MOE) Scholarships

The school also administers the following MOE scholarships.

Other than the SOTA scholarships, the school also administers the following MOE scholarships:

  • Edusave Scholarships for Independent Schools (ESIS)
  • UPLIFT Scholarship Award

Click here for more information.

Updated as of 31 January 2023